29 Jul 2015

From the President's Desk

Finitiative – A dream which came true a few years back, when our seniors, with the support of management created a platform where students could share their knowledge and experiences and learn from each other. 

The objective of Finitiative is to create a bunch of successful traders and finance experts at our campus. We ensure this by organizing all kind of students’ activities related to finance which include, but not limited to guest lectures by leading finance professionals of Indian corporate, workshops by resource persons and stimulating student contests like stock trading, mutual funds, case studies, research papers, literary events like article writing, blog, debate to name a few.

With events like Prayas - our own live stock trading platform, Vinimaya - an event simulating basic accounting, Lock, Stock & Negotiate-interactive stock market event, Kick starting our blog and conducting guest lectures, last year has been quite eventful & successful. This year we plan to achieve greater success with our united efforts and with guidance from management, I am sure we will succeed.  

On this occasion of inauguration of our club, I wish good wishes to all of us and may we achieve success in all our endeavors.

Thank you.